Mission Opportunities
​Local Missions
WCPC Community Suppers: Either help serve or come and enjoy a meal with friends. There are several groups that take turns serving suppers every Monday to the community. For more information about joining a group, contact the church office.
Reach Out Lakota: This is a local non-profit assistance center for families in need.
For the Babies: This is a knitting, sewing and crocheting group that makes newborn baby items for intensive care units, welfare agencies, and other clinics. They meet the second Saturday of every month from 12pm to 4pm. For more information call the church office.
City Gospel Mission: They work with urban families in need offering mentoring, tutoring, and meals. They focus on helping other develop a personal relationship with Christ.
Whiz Kids of City Gospel Mission: This is a one-on-one tutoring program for at-risk students in the Lakota School District. The tutoring is at Freedom Elementary. For more information, call the church office.
Sew Powerful: A worldwide Christian ministry designed to promote and enable the academic success of children throughout Zambia. Our goal is to construct a specifically designed purse to help girls stay in school all month long and allow them to pursue secondary education, which improves their chance of breaking the cycle of poverty. All are welcome to join whether you can sew or not! Contact the church office for more info.
National/International Missions and Missionaries
Jeff and Sandra Winston: They are members of West Chester Presbyterian Church working as missionaries in Juarez, Mexico. Jeff works with Life Challenge International coordinating street evangelism outreach events with churches throughout Juarez. He also supports many construction projects at local ministries. Sandra leads bible studies and Sunday school classes.
Vince Purpero and family: They work with high school students and focus on youth leadership in Xenia, Ohio.
People Building People: It is a non-profit organization in the United States that supports mission efforts in Juarez, Mexico and Guatemala. They work in partnership with Life Challenge International.
Operation Christmas Child: It is a program that provides Christmas packages to children around the world.