The Fellowship Committee will host a Board Game Night at WCPC on Saturday, April 20th from 6-9 pm. Look for more details in the coming weeks. See Edna Slusher or Karen Barcus with questions or to volunteer.
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Please join us on April 11th at 6:00 pm for Messy Church. We will begin with dinner and then hear the story of Peter's discipleship. "Follow Me" were some words Jesus said to Peter many times, but what does this actually mean? Come to Messy Church to explore this with us through live drama, activities, fellowship and prayer. Hope to see you there.

Looking for a part-time summer job? Want to make a difference helping children? The Faith Alliance, a WCPC church partner, is hiring a Summer Lunch Program Administrator and two Lunch Site Coordinators for Adena and Woodland Elementary Schools. Just 10-15 hours a week, May 28-August 1, no Fridays–we are looking for people who love to plan activities and spend time with neighborhood kids at noon time! Contact Cathy Borders for more information.
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